David Blume and Buckminster Fuller go way back. Bucky even wrote the foreword to Dave’s classic book, Alcohol Can Be a Gas!
His influence has informed Dave’s work across the decades, and now the nonprofit Buckminster Fuller Institute is accepting tax-deductible donations on behalf of Whiskey Hill Farms & Science Center to help Dave continue along the path Bucky laid out.
Blume’s Whiskey Hill Farms Regenerative Farm & Science Center, on 14 acres near Santa Cruz, California, is a hub where he and his team design, develop, and share resources, education, technology, and services that accelerate adoption of regenerative agriculture practices and cutting-edge alternative energy innovations.
Your donation helps Whiskey Hill Farms go forth with its educational and outreach activities, focusing on the practical use and understanding of new ecological biological technology, regenerative methods, tools, and resources.
Projects at the Farm include a state-of-the-art local-scale alcohol distillery with green CO2 as a byproduct and an integrated methane digester and marsh that absorbs surplus nutrients, making both clean water and tons of plant-based protein for humans and livestock. Other Farm projects include mariculture, production of fertilizer from local agricultural waste, seaweed farming, greenhouse construction, soil heating with heat exchangers, and deep treatments and inoculations for soil regeneration.
Together, working in our own communities, we can solve many of the systemic problems plaguing the Earth. We can quit polluting, stop the wars for oil, and move far, far away from fossil fuels forever. Your donation is a positive step in that direction.
Learn about premiums for donations of $400 and more.
Another Way to Help: Tell Your Friends
Our website has a lot of interesting short videos and articles that can help save the world — and sustain and grow the Farm — when a lot of people see them. Can you click the share buttons sprinkled throughout the site to help us reach new people who are interested in what we’re doing? When you invite people to come to the site, that can be the missing link in helping us spread the word about out planet-saving technologies, and also helps us reach funders large and small.